Billy Onen


Content Creator

Anniversary Message of the Founder & CEO

           As we commemorate our 1st founding anniversary, I would like to thank the men and women of the Jimplas Capital Management (JCM), for their commendable performance during the past year. As your Founder and CEO, I am very proud of the way the company has evolved and risen to the challenge even in the face of adversity.  Your professionalism, dedication, courage and patience served as an inspiration. 

         When Jimplas Capital management JCM was incorporated back in 2nd February 2022 (2.2.22), I was beaming with pride to take unveil and takeover a company that has so much prestige and potential. Its mandate on investment management, advisory services and Modern decentralized Finance DeFi, contributes immensely to the growth and development of our country Uganda. This important role of Jimplas Capital Management  provided me the right motivation and inspiration to lead the company.

The JCM through 2022, has been at the forefront in the delivery of investment management and advisory services. The Evolution  of Fintech and  metaverse  ushered a new hope for the Ugandan Finance industry, and ensured a broad futuristic advance New finance system for the country for the next 25 years. Considering the magnitude of the evolution of Finance and its contribution to the economy, I am pretty sure, there was so much celebration then in the company, jubilant in every way, and moments to be proud of, as a member of the Jimplas Capital management family. It was a defining moment that will be forever etched in the annals of the company’s great history.

However, 1st year had passed and we are seeing the depletion and development of our infrastructures few months from now. In retrospect, we failed to bring more investment to increase Assets Under Investment at the JCM to complete our 12 months goal despite being a startup venture capital but we ensure the continuity of growth  for our company . Although there are several laybacks internally within the company and internationally on  Global economy , JCM did great on implementation and establishment. We need to upgrade our strategy and approach in order to adapt to the current realities and adjust to the rapidly changing environment of the Finance industry.

Meanwhile, the year 2022 has been a very challenging one not only for us, but also for the country and the whole of humanity. We are now recovering from invisible enemies that has caused an unprecedented health crisis on a global scale, that has not only endangered and threatened human lives, but also crippled the global economy.

Today, we join the government in its effort to fight Ebola and Corvid 19. We had contributed our share by following the guidelines on social distancing and the manning of our office thru skeletal workforce during the Enhanced Community Quarantine period.

We also donated Personal Protective Equipment to the frontliners of the Gulu Referral Hospital .  This is our humble contribution to the government’s fight against Ebola and COVID-19 which was one of the greatest challenges our country has had faced since 2020. As the health situation continues to evolve, we would like to assure our stakeholders that we have updated our action plans to adjust to the current condition. Our Business Continuity Plan is in place and will serve as guide in ensuring the continuity of our business operations. Despite the sudden shift to the “new normal”, we will continuously and tirelessly work remotely  and in our office whenever possible, to serve our clients and other stakeholders.

Finally, the future of this country on Finance security rests heavily on us. The task ahead is quiet daunting given the shortness of time, and stands as a great challenge to all of us. The road to ahead, however, is not an insurmountable one. We cannot afford to fail. We must deliver. We just need to put our acts together. We cannot perform individually, rather collectively and together, so that we can effectively perform our mandate and achieve our vision for Acholi Sub-region and Uganda.

Therefore, I enjoin each and every one of you, as proud members of this prestigious organization, to give your very best in every way you can, so that together we shall achieve our dreams and aspirations for a better life, and our vision for a stable and secured Company, the Acholi and Uganda. Together we shall heal and win as one!

Once again congratulations and happy anniversary. May God Almighty bless and keep us and our family safe always. To God be the Glory!  Jimplas Capital Management “All the way up”

Billy William Onen

Founder and CEO

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